Saturday, November 13, 2010

A surprise here...a surprise there..

There have been quite a few surprises in our lives in the last week or so. The best one yet, baby Jackson FINALLY let his daddy feel him for the first time last night!!! Usually, when he is kicking, I grab Jon's hand or tell him to come over, and then all kicking stops. But last night I had been laying down for awhile and Jackson was having a party in there. So, although it was still slightly faint, Jon felt him a few different times. It's such an amazing feeling for me to be able to feel this baby inside me and now it's even better being able to share that with my husband. As the weeks go on, he will be able to feel him even better as he gets bigger and stronger but for now, because of where my placenta is, they are still slightly faint kicks unless you know what you're expecting. The other night, I swear my hand was kicked off my stomach... it was a very strong one!

The other surprise was that I was able to be with my family last week in Florida! The beginning of November is a tough time for my family as it is, and it was just great to be able to all be together this year. (we may have to make this an annual thing) My Aunt Sandy and Kathleen were flying down to spend the weekend with my Mom and Elliot, and I knew my Aunt Mary would be there also, so instead of surprising my Mom for her birthday, we decided to switch it and surprise the Aunties. :) 

It was an amazing week though and I was able to get in a lot of Elliot time which was amazing! He has grown so much since July and seeing his little personality shine was just such a blessing. Now leaving everyone, that was difficult, but December will soon be here and then I will even have Jon with me! Yay!

Other than that, nothing too out of the ordinary going on here. Jon had his final Marine Corps Ball on Monday, and had a good time :) I cannot believe that by summer we will no longer be an active military family. He has had the last two days off so we are enjoying a long weekend for Veteran's Day. We also have our Naval Hospital ultrasound on Wed this week (so let's hope they find the same results lol) and then my next Dr appt isn't until Dec 3rd unless I can sneak in there earlier..but hopefully I'll have some other  u/s pics to post after Wed!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

And little Jack makes three...

Hi there! I've decided since we will have some major life events happening soon, I should start up a blog again. (let's hope I keep it this time) If you haven't heard, yes, it's true, we are expecting our first born March 25th, 2011!!!! 

This year has been such a blessing to us as Jon returned from his first deployment safe and sound, we have welcomed our first nephew and now our own son in the coming months! Jon came home from Afghanistan the end of May and we found out I was pregnant July 11th while I was visiting my Mom and family in Florida!!!!! It was the most amazing feeling to see that other line on the pregnancy test! Needless to say we all were ecstatic about the news!

Recently, my Mom bought us an amazing gift. We were able to go to an ultrasound place in Temecula and see our baby for the first time in 10 weeks. Since Jon is a Marine, and we live so close to base, I am going to the Naval Hospital on Camp Pendleton for my OB care. However, there are so many women on our base, scheduling an ultrasound or doctors appointment for that matter is quite difficult. So Mom thought this would be the perfect gift! :) We went in and had a 30 minute 3d/4d ultrasound and found out that indeed it was a boy!!!!!! His heartbeat was strong at 157 and he weighs 13oz! Measuring ahead quite a bit but a very healthy baby boy! Words can not even begin to describe how excited we are to meet Jackson (little Jack) in March! So now it all begins...starting the registry, fixing up our office for a nursery, and waiting for his arrival! 

I hope you all will join us as we begin our journey as a family! :)